optoy package

Static optimization

This is the module for static optimization problems

class optoy.static.OptimizationParameter(shape=1, value=0, name='p')[source]

Create a parameter, ie a thing that is fixed during optimization


shape: integer or (integer,integer)

Matrix shape of the symbol

name: string

A name for the symbol to be used in printing. Not required to be unique

value: number or matrix

Value that the parameter should take during optimization May also be set after initialization as ‘x.value = number’




Gets the solution

class optoy.static.OptimizationVariable(shape=1, lb=-inf, ub=inf, name='v', init=0)[source]

Create a decision variable


shape: integer or (integer,integer)

Matrix shape of the symbol

name: string

A name for the symbol to be used in printing. Not required to be unique

lb: number

Lower bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.lb = number’

ub: number

Upper bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.ub = number’

init: number

Initial guess for the optimization solver May also be set after initialization as ‘x.init = number’



optoy.static.minimize(f, gl=[], verbose=False)[source]

Miminimizes an objective function subject to a list of constraints. The standard NLP form reads:

mininimze       f(x,p)

 subject to     g(x,p) <= 0
                h(x,p)  = 0

with x the decision variables, p constant parameters, f the objective, g the inequality constraints, and h the equality constraints.


f : symbolic expression

objective function

gl : list of constraints, optional

Equality and inequality constraints can be mixed. Each entry in the constraint list should be

lhs<=rhs , lhs>=rhs or lhs==rhs

where lhs and rhs are expressions.

verbose : bool, optional

Specify the verbosity of the output


If numerical solution was succesful,

returns cost at the optimal solution.

Otherwise raises an exception.

See also

flip the sign of the objective

alias of OptimizationParameter


Rewrites and determines nature of constraints, either g(x)<=0 or g(x)==0.

A user may write x>=y where x and y are variables. In the gl_pure output, everything is brought to the left hand side


gl : list of constraints, optional


gl_pure : list of constraints in standard form

The constraints are rewritten as g(x)<=0 or g(x)==0

gl_equality : list of bools

For each entry in gl_pure, this list contains a boolean.


alias of OptimizationVariable

Dynamic optimization

class optoy.dynamic.OptimizationControl(shape=1, lb=-inf, ub=inf, name='u', init=0)[source]

Create a control variable


shape: integer or (integer,integer)

Matrix shape of the symbol

name: string

A name for the symbol to be used in printing. Not required to be unique

lb: number

Lower bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.lb = number’

ub: number

Upper bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.ub = number’

init: number

Initial guess for the optimization solver May also be set after initialization as ‘x.init = number’



class optoy.dynamic.OptimizationState(shape=1, lb=-inf, ub=inf, name='x', init=0)[source]

Create a state variable


shape: integer or (integer,integer)

Matrix shape of the symbol

name: string

A name for the symbol to be used in printing. Not required to be unique

lb: number

Lower bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.lb = number’

ub: number

Upper bound on the decision variable May also be set after initialization as ‘x.ub = number’

init: number

Initial guess for the optimization solver May also be set after initialization as ‘x.init = number’



class optoy.dynamic.OptimizationTime[source]





alias of OptimizationControl

optoy.dynamic.ocp(f, gl=[], regularize=[], verbose=False, N=20, T=1.0, periodic=False, integration_intervals=1, exact_hessian=None)[source]

Solves an optimal control problem (OCP):

mininimze         E(x(T),v)
 x(t), u(t), v

 subject to           dx/dt      = f(x(t),u(t),v,p)
             h(x(t),u(t),v,p)   <= 0
               r(x(0),x(T),v,p) <= 0

with x states, u controls, p static parameters (constant, not optimized for), v variables (constant, optimized for), f the system dynamics, h the path constraints, and r boundary conditions.

In optoy, the system dynamics is specified with the .dot attribute on a state:

>>> x = state()
>>> x.dot = 1-x**2

N : int, optional

number of control intervals

T : float, symbolic expression, optional

time horizon

periodic : bool

indicate whether the problem is periodic

regularize: list of symbolic vector expressions

f : symbolic expression

A major objective function. Make use of the .end attribute of expressions

gl : list of constraints, optional

Equality and inequality constraints can be mixed. Each entry in the constraint list should be

lhs<=rhs , lhs>=rhs or lhs==rhs

where lhs and rhs are expressions. Path constraints and boundary constraints can be mixed. Use .start and .end to obtain the value of a state at the boundaries

verbose : bool, optional

Specify the verbosity of the output


If numerical solution was succesful,

returns cost at the optimal solution.

Otherwise raises an exception.


alias of OptimizationState


class optoy.extensions.robustness.OptimizationDisturbance(shape=1, name='w', cov=None)[source]

Create a disturbance source term


shape: integer or (integer,integer)

Matrix shape of the symbol

name: string

A name for the symbol to be used in printing. Not required to be unique

cov: symmertric matrix

Disturbance covariance matrix




h <= 0

optoy.extensions.robustness.Sigma(e, nums=None)[source]

Evaluates the covariance of an expression numerically


e: symbolic expression

the quantity you want the covariance of

nums: dictionary, optional

dictionary denoting the values of variables if not supplied, the optimal values are assumed